welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog. This blog is authored by Chad Mairn, Alex Bawell, Michael Perfeito, and Todd McBride. Our goal is to use the ideas and references recorded in this blog to improve our own use of this software and to contribute to the community of users utilizing open source applications and operating systems.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Use Ubuntu to Unlock Windows XP Account, Clear Account Password

Recently I had to get back into the XP partition on my dual boot set up with XP & Ubuntu on the Samsung NC10.  I quickly realized that I'd forgotten my XP password but thanks to the fact I had Ubuntu installed on the same HDD I was able to use the Linux command line program chntpw to unlock the user account.

Just boot into the Ubuntu OS (you can also boot the live version on a DVD or USB key if you don't have it already installed in a dual boot).  For this solution we'll use a command line program called chntpw.  You'll want to install this first if it isn't already.  At the command prompt type

sudo apt-get install chntpw

then follow the prompts to complete the install.

While still in the Ubuntu OS, open a terminal window and from the command prompt navigate to the necessary directory in the Windows file system by entering the following syntax:

cd /media/path/to/disk/WINDOWS/system32/config/

cd is the command for 'change directory' and then a space then the path to the directory.  In my case since I had Ubuntu already installed on the same HDD I had to mount that partition then use its name which was 72ECE49EECE45DBB.  So my exact path was:

cd /media/72ECE49EECE45DBB/WINDOWS/system32/config.

Once I was in that directory I ran:

sudo chntpw -u username SAM SYSTEM

replacing username with the specific Windows account username.  From the output I had to first select what you will see listed at the very bottom as option 4 to unlock the account since my multiple password failures had locked it, then ran it again and chose 1 to clear the password.

*Important note: my Windows user name had a space in it so I had to enclose it in quotes like:

# sudo chntpw -u "my username" SAM SYSTEM

Anytime you write something at the command line that should be recognized as a single term but includes a space you have to enclose it in quotes so the terminal will know it is a single term.

here is the last part of the output from # sudo chntpw -u username SAM SYSTEM.
- - - - User Edit Menu:
 1 - Clear (blank) user password
 2 - Edit (set new) user password (careful with this on XP or Vista)
 3 - Promote user (make user an administrator)
 4 - Unlock and enable user account [probably locked now]
 q - Quit editing user, back to user select
Select: [q] >

Then you can restart, boot into the Windows side and your account will be unlocked.

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