welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog. This blog is authored by Chad Mairn, Alex Bawell, Michael Perfeito, and Todd McBride. Our goal is to use the ideas and references recorded in this blog to improve our own use of this software and to contribute to the community of users utilizing open source applications and operating systems.

Friday, May 7, 2010

First Three Weeks with 10.04

I've been running 10.04 as the primary OS on my Samsung NC10 netbook for three weeks and so far have had no issues.  Improvements and changes are subtle for the most part.  Every six months when I move to a newer Ubuntu I am reminded that I need to understand more about the brass tacks of the OS in order to really understand where the improvements are being made.

The boot time and shutdown times are both improved, although improvements in those categories are becoming harder to recognize since 9.10 was fast as well.  10.04 is faster but by a matter of only a few seconds.  I guess keeping up with those stats is a matter of following the increments until it is instant on both actions.  Sooner than later you'll push your power button and be up and running instantly and you'll shut down just as quickly.  Improvements in hardware (like SSD's) and software (like removing a redundant HAL) categories at the same time will speed the course to instantaneous start and shut-down.  Then we'll all have a few more seconds in our life to...?

Changes to Gnome and the GUI are noticeable as well, especially the fact that you are faced with the color purple now instead of earth tones.  With Linux based desktop operating systems though there is so much customization available that really you can only talk about differences in the default settings.   And when you like to start adjusting those immediately defaults don't last long.  Not long ago I learned how to change the splash screen so I'm going to get to work on that now with the Lynx.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with changing your splash screen. The program I was using to make the splash screen and log-on screen background the same as my desktop ( http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/XSplash+Background+Settings?content=114984 ) no longer works in Lucid :(
