welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Linux-OSS blog. This blog is authored by Chad Mairn, Alex Bawell, Michael Perfeito, and Todd McBride. Our goal is to use the ideas and references recorded in this blog to improve our own use of this software and to contribute to the community of users utilizing open source applications and operating systems.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HAL-less 10.04

There's already been some discussion here about how the newest distribution of Ubuntu (10.40 Lucid Lynx, final release scheduled for 4/29/10) was able to remove the HAL to speed up boot time and provide other advantages. I found a breakdown of where the processes where moved to here on the Ubuntu Wiki. This change follows the *.nix philosophy of using many small tools that are good at doing individual jobs and enabling them to pass information easily between present and future applications. I've read that the Ubuntu developers were coming to the realization that HAL was becoming redundant. Here is the link to the page on the Wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy

1 comment:

  1. So it seems like they haven't done away with it completely yet. Certain features and types of hardware will only function with HAL, but as newer and more powerful software comes out, the need for the "middle man" will go away and we will be left with computers where the hardware and the software talk directly.
